Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I Just Found Out that I'm a Hero

My wife was checking my 10-year-old's penmanship homework tonight, and she ran across an assignment worksheet about heroes. Here are the two questions, and her answers (in parentheses):

1. What qualities and character traits will a hero have? (brave, encouraging, loyal, trustworthy, honest)

2. Whom do you admire? (The person I most admire is probably my dad. He doesn't really do anything important, but isn't everyone's dad their hero? I really look up to my dad, no really, he's pretty tall. Okay, I'll admit that I'm actually really short. But anyway, the person I admire the most is my one and only...DAD!)

OK, I'm not sure why she thinks that someone who has devoted his entire life to the ministry doesn't do anything important, but I'm proud to know that my little girl (who's getting less little every day) thinks I'm a hero.

Batman, eat your little bat heart out!

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