Sunday, August 17, 2008

Saying Goodbye

Lori Ellen Belaire Booth

It is with great sadness that I am writing this post. One of my oldest friends, Lori Booth, passed from this life into the next this last Monday, August 11, 2008. She was a wife, and mother of two.

I've known Lori since kindergarten, and although it's been twenty years since I've had the chance to be with her for any length of time, the hole left in my heart is larger than one can imagine.

I'll always remember her sweet smile, the laughs, and her all-around love of life. It is my most sincere prayer that God would bring glory to Himself through this situation.

To all my dear friends in the AHS Class of '85, I love you and wish the very best for each and every one of you, and that includes making Jesus Christ your personal Lord and Savior. Please understand that I am not forcing religion on you, or making any judgments, but I simply want you to know the love that I have found through knowing Jesus, and I pray that you would come to know Him as I do.

Goodbye Lori. We will all miss you. I already do. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have always had a wonderful way wih words. I am sure you reflect the feelings of so many of us that knew Lori.