Monday, January 14, 2008

Accidental Progress...

A couple of weeks ago, I was made aware of an audio problem in our main auditorium at Crossroads Church. I'm not sure how it happened, but all but one of our horns in our PAS cluster were blown.  Did an incorrect power up/power down sequence do it?  Was it foiled by an (undercover) over-eager teenager crankin' it up too much?  Was it just old age? We may never know...

Well, anyway, our more-than-capable lead PA engineer, Chris Burney, really saved the day for us.  He just happened to have a pair of JBL Eons in his van, and we ran with it for the weekend.

The following Wednesday, we were able to temp-in a Nexo rig, and for the first time, run a true stereo, non-cluster PA system for weekend services.  What a HUGE difference!  The pastor is thrilled with the sound (as are the engineers, worship leader, musicians, and yours truly), and I'm proposing to the board the repair and sale of our PAS system in conjunction with the purchase of Nexo speakers.

This will allow us to carry out our remaining 18 months in the current facility, and leave the youth ministry with a truly state-of-the-art sound system (they inherit the current room when we build our new 1500-seat worship center).

So I guess it's accidental progress, but it's progress nonetheless. I'll take it any way I can.

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