Monday, December 17, 2007

The Stupidest Thing I've Ever Seen...

Did anyone catch "Clash of the Choirs" tonight?  OK, ok, I know...they're competing for charities in their own respective home towns, but I BEGGED my wife not to leave it on that channel. When we saw the Jersey group (directed by Michael Bolton) sing "Living on a Prayer" she had to concede and agree that this is truly the stupidest (yes, I know it's not a word) thing ever.  Is the network brass really that out of ideas? They should call me. I have a few.

And they don't include amateur choirs competing for charity cash.

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Heh,,, I didn't see it, but I thought the same thing when I saw the title listed. I guess this is the best they can do during a writers' strike.