Sunday, June 29, 2008

What's Wrong With Me?

OK, OK, for those of you who know me, you're already thinking, "Well, Rich, that's a loaded question!"

Seriously, I have four friends over right now at my house, and my wife is in the living room, with them, and they're playing the Wii. I, however, am at my computer, uploading Crossroads Creative videos. I'm done uploading to Catholic Media House (they're not up yet), and now I'm working on Worship House Media.  What's more, after I'm done with that, I plan to upload to The Shoutable Store, and if there's time, Graphics 4 Worship, and Sermon Spice.

Am I that much of a workaholic?

To be fair, I've been in the living room most of the time. I just came in here to check the status of the uploads, and this is something I planned to do long before my guests showed up, but shouldn't I be in there, and should I be in here blogging about it?

OK, now my wife is telling me that her team desperately needs me to help out playing Big Brain Academy. So, I guess I'll oblige and say, "Good night."

Good night.


Unknown said...

Ummm ... let me answer that for everyone ... YES! You are definitely a workaholic, but besides that, you're pretty cool and awesome.

Mark Keefer said...

The going in and checking on the uploads thing is pretty normal.

The taking time to BLOG about going in and checking on the uploads thing... teeny weeny bit much. Maybe.